76 Inspiring Instagram Feeds to Follow

The 2016 election brought many things to light. But chief among them was our collective need to heal.

In the weeks and months after November 8, 2016, I watched as my Facebook and Twitter feeds became flooded with hateful, incendiary messages. As someone who works in social media, I found myself constantly dragged down into a space of negativity and hopelessness just by sheer association.

I craved a respite from all of the rage. I craved a freedom from all of the fear. I craved a little bit of hope.

Many people abandoned social media altogether in the aftermath of the election for the sake of their mental health. Given my career, I had to find another solution. So, I decided to do a complete overhaul of my social media. I made an active effort to not engage in the discord that became the political discourse on Facebook and Twitter. I started shifting my social media usage to friendlier, more visual platforms like Instagram and Pinterest. Instead of just following people I knew, I made a point to seek out Instagram accounts focused on positivity and empowerment.

The Internet is what you make of it; it’s a tool like any other medium. It’s how you use that tool that ultimately makes all the difference. So, choose your programming wisely. Choose to tune into something positive instead of negative. Choose healing over hurting. Choose connection over controversy.

The choice is yours.

Below, I share 76 of the most inspiring Instagram accounts I’ve discovered over the last few years. I hope they bring you a little more light and love. I hope they bring you joy. I hope they help you cultivate more happiness.

Truth is, you deserve it.

[Check out my new eBook, 70 Life Lessons I Wish I’d Learned Sooner.] 

1. @HowtoGetItTogether.

Run by a therapist named Melissa Brody, this Instagram account takes a funny, welcoming and lighthearted approach to discussing mental health—and helps to normalize it in the process. This is one of my absolute favorite Instagram accounts to follow, and not just for the inspiration. Definitely check this one out.

2. @HappyNotPerfect.

Pegged as “your toolbox to feel happier, from the inside out,” @happynotperfect shares a variety of posts that are all focused on one thing: Helping you excavate happiness from within. Now that’s something I can get behind.


3. @TheBeHappyProject.

@TheBeHappyProject’s motto is short and sweet: “Live • Life • Happy.” And that’s exactly what their posts will help you do. Give it a follow and watch your mood improve!

4. @ChangeUrPerception.

This account is a really interesting hodgepodge of posts that will help you challenge your thoughts, and, yes—@changeurperception.

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True Dat👌🏽 #changeurperception

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5. @LewisHowes.

No discussion of personal improvement or striving to be your best self would be complete without mentioning Lewis Howes. Lewis is a former athlete turned bestselling author whose posts offer tangible tips and practical advice to help you improve every aspect of your life. Highly recommend following him!

6. @JayShetty.

There are few people on Earth who are more inspiring than Jay Shetty. A former monk, Jay made a huge pivot in his life to become a mega-successful content creator and purveyor of love and light. His “making wisdom go viral” tagline speaks for itself. Do yourself a favor and follow him if you don’t already.

7. @CleoWade.

Cleo Wade is an artist, author and poet who has a way of conveying even the most complex topics in a simple, easy-to-understand and visually impactful manner. You’ve likely seen her art all over the web and didn’t even know it was hers. Cleo’s book, Heart Talk, was one of my favorites of 2018. Definitely check her out.

8. @Thrive.

Full disclosure: I write for Thrive Global and know several people who work there. But their account is a great mix of empowerment and pragmatism to improve all aspects of your life. Check ‘em out!

9. @incmagazine.

Inc. focuses more on the business side of things, but their colorful quotes really pop in my feed. The second I see one of their posts that features a quote, I instantly know it’s theirs. And I always appreciate the reminders.

10. @AriannaHuff.

In recent years, Arianna Huffington has pivoted to focus much more squarely on work-life balance, mental health and overall well-being. Her new venture, Thrive Global, covers those topics and many more, helping to shine a light on our burnout culture and the negative impacts it can have on our health and happiness. I follow Arianna because she’s a genuine thought leader who’s always sharing something new, exciting and empowering. She’s a must-follow for any career-minded person who wants to balance their priorities both in and out of the office.

11. @heyfeifer.

Jason Feifer is the Editor in Chief of Entrepreneur magazine—and a former colleague of mine. His motivational Moleskine mantras are succinct and to-the-point, but they are also distinct and unique, offering a healthy dose of perspective no matter what challenge you’re currently facing.

12. @happihabits.

This account is run by Dr. Rebecca Ray, whose personal Instagram presence also makes my list of the most inspiring Instagram feeds to follow. This account is a carefully curated mix of motivating messages from all over the web, which is hugely helpful in discovering new authors, counselors, therapists and artists to follow on the platform. Check it out!

13. @MastinKipp.

I first discovered Mastin on Twitter, where he was running an account called @TheDailyLove years ago. These days, Mastin focuses on emotional trauma and healing, sharing impactful and insightful wisdom for anyone struggling with tragedy, loss, grief and more.

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GOOD NEWS! There IS a cure for perfectionism... . What is it? . The ability to repair and rebuild connection after a mistake, messup or not getting it right. . People talk all this crap about perfectionism, as if it's a bad thing, but you if you have this patterned response, it actually has good intentions. . Your "perfectionism" is trying to lead you towards love, approval and belonging and away from rejection and isolation. . What happens if you get it "perfect" according to that perfectionist pattern? . You get love and approval and you are "safe". . What happens if you mess it up according to that pattern? . You get rejected, maybe even shamed, you won't make the money, get the approval, the love and you'll end up alone. . So, consider that your perfectionism pattern isn't "bad" - it's just maladapted and trying it's best to get the love and safety. . But, you can heal perfectionism if you have a repair strategy that, over time, gives your nervous system more and more proof that you can mess up and not be isolated, hurt, shamed and end up alone. But instead, you can repair and get that love, approval and safety. . This is true in interpersonal and romantic relationships and it is also true in business and as an entrepreneur. . Trying to get it perfect is part of what's keeping love, success and even money out of your experience. . When you let yourself mess up and have a repair strategy, well... things tend to work out. . So, love that part of you that's trying to get it perfect and let it know that it's safe to mess up. . And cultivate repair strategies that back up those new claims with proof for your nervous system. . Your love life and your bank account will thank you. . And, you will be able to make an even bigger impact on the world, too. . Remember to get out there, take action and make it real! . You got this! . Your biggest supporter, Mastin

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14. @GabbyBernstein.

Gabby Bernstein is a bestselling author and spiritual guru whose ability to distill deep topics into plain language is unparalleled. Check out her feed for quotes from her books, tidbits from her site and guided meditations galore. Gabby’s enlightened presence will light up your life. All you have to do is invite her in with a follow.

15. @michprom.

Michele Promaulayko is the former Editor in Chief of Cosmopolitan and Women’s Health—and is a tour de force in the wellness industry. Michele and I worked closely together when I ran social media for Women’s Health from 2011-2013. Michele is edgy yet uplifting, sassy yet sophisticated, fierce but kind. And her presence shines just as bright online as it does in person. Follow her to see who’s who of the fitness, wellness and nutrition industries. Be sure to stay for the badass wisdom, too.

16. @aaronxrose.

I recently discovered Aaron Rose when a friend of mine shared one of Aaron’s posts on consciousness to her Instagram Story. And my feed has been blessed with beautiful messages and poignant reminders ever since. I highly recommend @aaronxrose to anyone who’s enjoyed A New Earth or The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle, The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer or A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson. He’s that deep. And our world needs that depth and those words of healing more than ever.

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PATTERN RESET. There are universal laws that govern our reality. Including the laws of abundance and love (everything from quantum physics to every enlightened master tells us this). The Universe is a neverending stream of love, if we choose to access that frequency through our free will. Our free will has been hijacked and programmed toward fear since birth. But we can take it back. We are! All of us, in this unfolding now moment! ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ My life changed dramatically when I became fully conscious to how I was relating to the world around me / The Universe / All That Is as if it was my punitive withholding parent who had crazy high standards and put me through unwinnable tests and thought I wasn’t sh*t and resented my shine. ⁣I was unconsciously defensive of my choices and restricted my desires and feared reprisal within the privacy of my own mind, because that’s what my childhood pattern was with those who provided for me. ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣ I’m still peeling back the layers on this one, as most of us are. But I’m at the point that when I see myself thinking self-shaming thoughts about not deserving something because I wasn’t absolutely 100% perfect or feeling like I’m being punished because something in my external reality was undesirable, I know it’s the old autopilot and not the truth. And with that awareness, I can choose to swipe left on that BS and anchor into the true frequency of abundance and love that is always available to me. Yes, I gotta rise up into deeper integrity and strength and commitment all the time, but the Universe is not sadistically yanking the rug out from under me ever. It’s steady loving me, dishing out only what I can handle, and taking from only that which does not match my highest essence. What a relief! To remember who we really are. To say BYE to the manipulative way we were taught to relate to this world. To choose the power and strength of love. ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ 𝗪𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐰𝐢𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐲?⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ P.S. Pro-tip: find parental archetypes you resonate with and call on them to support you in remaking your core concept of caretakers. Some options: Miss Honey from Matilda, Mrs Weasley in Harry Potter, Beyoncé, Nipsey Hussle.

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17. @morganharpernichols.

Morgan Harper Nichols—or MHN as she occasionally captions her designs—is a writer, artist and all-around purveyor of light whose work has touched millions online. Once you see her visual and verbal style, you’ll know instantly when you encounter her work all over Instagram, Pinterest and other social media sites. Morgan’s ability to translate the human story into powerful poems and grace-filled graphics is second to none. I can honestly say my life has improved since I started following her. Do yourself a favor and give yourself the same gift.

18. @drrebeccaray.

Dr. Rebecca Ray is an author, speaker and clinical psychologist based in Australia. Her Instagram bio really says it all: “For finders and seekers of an expansive, inspired life.” Trust me, she does not disappoint. For all those folks looking to become more vulnerable, courageous and present, Dr. Rebecca Ray is your gal.


19. @selfmagazine.

SELF has made significant strides in recent years to become more socially conscious—and, for lack of a better word, “woke.” Featuring subjects of all shapes, sizes and ethnic and religious backgrounds, SELF has become the de facto fitness and wellness destination for an entire generation of women who are tired of seeing the same unrealistic body types and skin tones pushed on them by the beauty, fashion and health industries. And that’s a wonderful shift that’s helping provide visibility to largely underserved and underrepresented communities of women who deserve to know that they matter. Hit the follow button for recipes, workouts and memes—but stay for the mental health tips, self-care regimens and motivational mantras. This is one brand that’s truly captured the millennial mindset.

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This is your reminder to trust the journey 👣 #TeamSELF

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20. @jamesmsama.

A writer, author, speaker and coach, James M. Sama is one of the foremost relationship experts of our time. I first found James about seven or eight years ago, when he was building his site and blogging like crazy. We connected on social media over our like-minded values and passion for motivating others. Since then, James has gone on to do countless speaking engagements all over the world, garner millions of visits to his content and even write a book. This guy is a powerhouse. Don’t let the fancy cars and the outwardly glamorous lifestyle fool you—James is a real, down-to-Earth guy who understands how to transcend your personal limits and build connections that are lasting and fulfilling. And that’s pretty damn rad.

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Who's with me?

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21. @createthelove.

Founded by Mark Groves, @createthelove focuses on Mark’s specialty: Human connection. With posts ranging from serious to silly, this account will help you foster and cultivate more self-love by learning about boundaries, judgment, expectations, communication and more. And we could all use a little more of that in our lives.

22. @r.dhalwriter.

I discovered Ruby Dhal’s account a couple of months ago and have been obsessed ever since. A quick glance at her feed will show you just how in-depth she goes with her writing. But don’t mistake the quantity of her words as a sacrifice on quality because it most certainly is not. Ruby is gifted in every sense of the word. Check out her posts and read how she expresses herself from the depths of her soul and you’ll understand just why I love following her.

23. @wetheurban.

Here’s how @wetheurban describes their account in their Instagram bio: “We are a creative digital magazine celebrating inclusivity, self-love and excellence in art, fashion, music and pop culture.” Edgy, woke and real are a few words I’d use to describe their posts on the platform. They really do have a unique look and feel. And that’s why I make room for them in my Instagram follow list.

24. @yung_pueblo.

Yung Pueblo is the pen name for Diego Perez, a meditator, writer and speaker based in NYC. His account is nothing short of a delight to follow. @Yung_Pueblo’s posts are short and sweet, but they pack a punch of perspective that always helps me re-center when my energy isn’t aligned or I’m not acting consciously to embrace the present and welcome the future. Yung Pueblo’s work is truly indispensable. Be sure to check it out.

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Stress and anxiety are the children of attachment, they are both a form of craving that take us away from the present and into areas of imagination that steal away our peace. Heaviness comes from hanging on tightly to emotions that were always meant to be ephemeral. We want things to last forever or we turn difficult moments into long lasting pain simply because we have not learned to let go. We have not learned that the beauty of living comes from the movement of change. Letting go does not mean that we forget and it does not mean that we give up, it just means that we are not letting our present happiness be determined by things that happened in the past or by things we wish to happen in the future. The accomplishment of all great things in life take effort, especially when it comes to changing and healing ourselves. No one said it was going to be easy, if it was easy it would have been done already, but it will be absolutely worth it and the reward will be greater than the difficulty it took to get there. Letting go takes training and dedication. Find a practice that brings you noticeable results and use it consistently. When things get tough remember that we are not building something small, we are building a palace of peace within our own hearts and it takes determination to complete something of such beauty and magnitude. Sending love to all beings. May we all be happy and free. My first book, Inward, is on sale via the link in my profile and available in bookstores. 🙏🏽🌎 #yungpueblo

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25. @maryamhasnaa.

Maryam Hasnaa is bringing conscious healing to the mainstream through posts about inner child work, building and keeping boundaries and more. For all those interested in healing their traumas and shifting their perception of the past, this account is a must-follow.

26. @thegraytergood.

Created and run by Elizabeth Gray, @thegraytergood is a creative collection of lettering and inspiration all rolled into one account. All of Elizabeth’s work is instantly recognizable and has a warm and approachable feel to it. Definitely worth the follow—especially if you are a designer or are into calligraphy.

27. @adamjk.

I love Adam’s bio because it really says it all: “Artist, author, brand, speaker, kinda just whatever they let me do?” His strong sense of aesthetic and sarcastic realism make for a fascinating, distinctive blend that you’ll be sure to enjoy popping into your feed every now and then.

28. @mattzhaig.

Matt Haig is a bestselling author whose no-holds-barred approach to social media is refreshing to say the least. If there’s one thing that he does well, it’s keep it real. Look out for his posts on mental health, happiness and more. They’re sure to make you stop and pay attention. And, in today’s world, that’s one of the hardest things to do.

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Humans are complicated.

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29. @chopracenter.

Energy. Healing. Presence. Consciousness. All of these concepts and more come to mind when I think of the @chopracenter presence on Instagram. Truth be told, their account has a soothing feel to it, almost like you’re riding alone on an open highway in the middle of nowhere with the windows down. It’s truly a breath of fresh air that you’ll welcome into your feed with open arms.

30. @youareluminous.

Kristen’s goal as a life and mindset coach is to help in “rewriting subconscious patterning and limiting beliefs to consciously manifest your desires.” And, boy, does her account do that. Her posts are nothing short of powerful and illuminating, helping to shine a bold beacon of truth on your life and any challenges you may be facing at this moment. I highly recommend checking out this feed—but it might not be for those just starting out on a healing journey or an inspiration kick.

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Your soul incarnated solely to learn certain lessons and heal and remember its truth and all of those lessons and healings and truth come disguised as humans - Because you’re in a body and that’s how you’re most familiar with creation. When you return to your soul and honor the 99.9% of you that isn’t in physical form, it’s much easier to see the larger picture which helps you stay detached from the illusion of the other person, and from the pain and suffering your physical body is processing and to honor all is here to serve love. That all is here for you, not against you. So when relationships end, have hiccups, your wounds are triggered, you feel emotionally unsafe, just remember that that human outside of you is playing the role your soul lovingly asked them to for your highest behalf. They’re nothing more than your own reflection and they’re only revealing to you more of yourself and what patterns still lie in your subconscious that are ready to be healed and made peace with. If you don’t like what you see and are experiencing, its time to realign internally after this beautiful lesson so that by your own vibration, your point of Attraction is now shifted higher and you can call in what you’re now remembering and emanating you’re absolutely worthy of. x — If you need assistance identifying the underlying patterns you’re subconsciously carrying that are continuing to call in karmic relationships, my 1-on-1 sessions are now 15% off until April fills up! x - 4 spots left available! www.etsy.com/shop/youareluminous

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31. @lightworkerslounge.

A corresponding Instagram presence for a podcast of the same name, @lightworkerslounge is a playful curation of inspiration you may or may not find elsewhere on Instagram. I love following accounts that repost graphics from elsewhere because it’s a great way to stumble upon other artists and creators whom you wouldn’t otherwise discover on your own. And that’s the beauty of this feed. Give it a shot!

32. @najwazebian.

Najwa Zebian is an author and poet whose words cut straight to the heart. I find a lot of her posts uplifting and reaffirming, especially when I’m feeling down on myself. Explore her feed and see if you feel the same!

33. @cushandwizdom.

This account is one of the edgier ones I follow, and it definitely leans more heavily into the culture portion of its “Culture. Consciousness. Change.” bio. This account will make you laugh. This account will make you say, “wow, I never thought of it like that.” This account will open your eyes. Like a guru who just smoked a lot of weed and is on some other level, @cushandwizdom will keep you entertained and provide a solid dose of enlightenment, too.

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34. @the.holistic.psychologist.

Dr. Nicole LePera is a psychologist who teaches “you to heal and consciously create who you want to become.” With a solid basis in psychological principles, @the.holistic.psychologist leans more heavily into healing from a therapeutic standpoint, while also shining a light on the issues you might be facing in your life. Her work is impactful and insightful and will most certainly improve your life. Go ahead—welcome her into your Instagram feed!

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The first relationships in our childhood have a profound effect on every relationship we have throughout life. We will subconsciously repeat this cycle where we experience the abandonment, emotional wounds, and need for validation until we heal. It was my partner who brought me to awakened coupling. I was still seduced with (and trained) to believe that my needs could and should be met by another. That someone could give me what I couldn’t give myself. The day she told me she didn’t want to be responsible for my happiness anymore really unraveled me. “What is the point of a relationship, then?!” When she said “to meet yourself” my ego had a full on breakdown. IT’S TO MEET ME! Completteeee me, fix me, love only me, need only me, be dependent on me for you fulfillment was my inner dialogue. With time and practice I’ve come to see partnerships as an awakening practice. To let go of the conditional love that comes with finding happiness based on the behavior of another. To heal the inner child. To recognize that we are reenacting our pasts and labeling it as “communication issues.” Our triggers have so little to do with our partners it’s become comical. If we haven’t healed, we seek that healing in the form of another person. Another person who could never fulfill that role. It’s that illusion based pressure that has broken countless relationships. How many of us are “love addicts” looking for that emotional hit that removes us from the painful feelings of our own low self worth? I know I was. That emotional cycle continues until we do the work. I’m still healing. We both are. Still becoming conscious to how the past selves are with us in our present. Still having difficult conversations and learning that honesty is a deep form of love. Slowly, we are releasing the projected duty to give each other what was never our responsibility #selfhealers

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35. @vexking.

I love @vexking’s account because it has an original look and feel to it. I can instantly recognize one of his posts in my feed. As a writer and a mind coach, Vex uses his Instagram presence to help you challenge your assumptions and see the events of your life in a new light. And that’s a shift in perception we could all use in our lives.

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We give up our power to those that anger us because they consume our mind. We focus on them and feed energy into thoughts about them. We let them kill our vibe, and as a result, we involuntarily ask the Universe to show us things on the same frequency. Our anger becomes a barrier to blessings and a magnet for burdens. . 'He who angers you conquers you.' - Elizabeth Kenny. . When you find it difficult to forgive someone, thoughts of them will usually produce feelings of sadness, hurt, and anger; you’ll feel far from good. Therefore, you give up your power and give them the ability to dictate your mood; and thus, your happiness. Even if their behaviour was completely unacceptable, to me, losing your sense of control and ability to be happy not only sounds like losing twice, but it is the most significant loss of all. . The man who cannot forgive those that hurt him, falls victim to them and stays captive to them. Imagine having a major fall out with someone because they betrayed you. Initially, you’d be angry and hurt. Eventually, you might get over it, until you see them again. At this point, you may replay thoughts of what they did to you and instantly feel angered, because you haven’t indeed forgiven them. This will ruin your mood, spoil the present moment, obstruct your ability to manifest great things, possibly give the other person a sense of satisfaction, and could also lead to destructive decision-making and actions. . To forget is not the same as to forgive. When you forget, you try to place something at the back of your mind without dealing with it. When you forgive, you take away the power of the past, so it does not steal your peace in the present and future. . Forgiveness isn’t about condoning someone’s behaviour. You can forgive someone and still never speak to them again. It’s about making peace with the thought of them, or what they've done, within yourself. By remaining peaceful, you can retain control of your creative power. You won't let the people who may have troubled you, steal your happiness. Forgive them; not for their sake, but yours. . Artwork: @fiorediop . #VexKing #ForgivenessQuotes

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36. @mindfulmft.

“Vienna Pharaon is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in NYC,” according to her bio. And her Instagram account can help you experience a profound shift in consciousness and awareness in your life. From discussing old patterns that may not be serving you, to helping you see that better things are coming in your life, Vienna’s words have the power to lift you up in even the darkest times. Go peruse her account for yourself and you’ll see just what I mean.

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Survival. Let’s just give a hand to survival. Like, so much damn respect. We did it. Our systems figured it out, and worked some serious overtime. But here’s the thing about survival. It has us on our heels. Stick with me. Even when survival made you spatially aware, or forced you to think ahead to know where you had to hide before your step dad came home. Even when survival meant you studied for weeks to get perfect scores so you wouldn’t be ridiculed. Even when survival meant you learned how to integrate and “be okay” in two different family systems as you went back and forth between your divorced parents and their respective families. You can see how survival can front and convince us that we’re on our toes, that we’re one step ahead. But here’s the thing, it’s all in response to our system already being on its heels. We don’t have to be on our toes if we aren’t already on our heels, you feel me? When we’re used to surviving in particular ways for a long time, it just becomes a way of being. We often lose awareness around it and our programming takes over. And so we continue to move through life with our survival badge front and center. Sometimes it’s necessary and serves us greatly, and other times it blocks us from the things we need to allow happen in order for our healing to take place. Knowing the difference is likely one of the most important things any one of us can differentiate. Taking safe, reasonable risks to lean into vulnerability while simultaneously acknowledging the threats and responses to them is a practice worth mastering. If you want to dive into this work, there are two opportunities to do that: one for you as an individual, and one for you as a part of a couple. The Singles Immersion is July 12-14 in upstate New York and The Couples Retreat is October 10-14 in the Dominican Republic. These experiences are intimate groups - we only take small numbers so that it’s hands on for each person attending. 12 total spots for the July trip and a max of 6 couples for the Dominican trip. You will do life changing work. First come first served. Get your applications in NOW. link in bio. #mindfulmft

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37. @sheconquers.

This account is all about female empowerment—and I absolutely love it! From the unique blend of yellow and black on their graphics to the keep-it-real approach they take to writing their copy and captions, I appreciate how accessible they make optimism for the everyday individual. If you want to feel like you can conquer the world, give this feed a follow.

38. @thefemalehustlers.

In the same vein as @sheconquers, @thefemalehustlers aims to “empower babes—babes who want to make a change in this world.” If that’s not impactful, I don’t know what is! To top it off, this feed has a sophisticated aesthetic that elevates the messages that they post. I love the quote graphic format that they use, and how they keep their captions short and sweet. There’s nothin’ like a shining a light on women who are slaying the game! If you want more of that in your life, then by all means give this one a follow.

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Tag someone who needs to see this 👇🏼

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39. @powerofspeech.

As the bio for this account states, “the defining quality of the human soul 
is the power of speech.” Talk about a substantial statement—and a true one, too. This feed is another one that curates a variety of fascinating and lively content from all over the Web. But regardless of the source, each post will empower and encourage you to live your best life. And that’s an awesome thing.

40. @blessingmanifesting.

This Instagram feed is captivating and compelling in both its artistic approach and its content. Each post feels like a poster in and of itself and, in that regard, it’s extremely shareable and fun. From self-care to gratitude and beyond, this account is one of the best on the list—and one of the lesser-known accounts, too. Give her a follow. She’s worthy of one!

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So, I'm going to talk about something I don't really want to, and that's why I think I should. Emotional abuse. My ex was/is an alcoholic/addict. Through our three-year relationship, I went through many traumatizing experiences and abuse. I did everything in my power to get her sober, AA, sober living, therapy, rehab, outpatient programs. None of it worked for any significant amount of time and I became so very very tired of being torn down on every level there came a point where I just didn't care anymore. I completely shut down. If I didn't pay her rent/bills/car payment - I was evil, heartless, and it would be *my* fault if she relapsed. If I didn't buy her a new iphone, I didn't care about her. If I got mad at her for cheating on me, I wasn't being fair to her. It was three years of hell and it broke me. I experienced all of the things in this image. Especially the gaslighting. God, the gaslighting. I would screencap conversations and keep them as proof they happened so when she told me something was all in my head or it never happened, I’d have proof. I doubted my sanity and my perception of everything. I doubted my worth. Everything. It's so hard to get past stuff like this when you lived through it for so long. It still affects me today (how could it not?) even though I'm in a wonderful, healthy, relationship. I hate talking about it, but so many people are in toxic relationships or abusive relationships and they don't speak out because they're shamed into silence. Don't spend the rest of your life trying to change someone or being in love with the "potential". You deserve better. #breakthesilence #breakthesilenceagainstdomesticviolence #emotionalabuse #domesticabuse #knowthesigns #domesticviolenceawareness #narcissisticabuse #stopdomesticviolence #toxicrelationships #toxicrelationshipsurvivor #trauma

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41. @thisspirituallife.

Run by a woman named Victoria Elizabeth (perhaps a pen name), this Instagram profile posts a lot of everyday wisdom that’s deep but relatable. And with a name like “love a bit louder today” who can really object? I enjoy the original thoughts and regular rousing images she posts. And I think you will, too.

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Glow up vibes ✌🏿✌🏽✌🏻

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42. @iamdharmalove.

Dharma Love is a self-proclaimed spiritual healer and teacher, whose posts focus on releasing energy, undoing old patterns and more healing advice that’ll hit you straight in your soul. I like the ethereal feel of her posts and how in touch with her spirit she is. It’s really inspiring to see someone in the flow like she normally is. Check her out!

43. @pierrejeanty.

Pierre Jeanty is a poet and author whose words really rally the masses. Whether he’s writing about love, beauty, mourning or any of the other topics he discusses, the way that Pierre speaks is enchanting and delightful. If you like poetry and quotes, he’s your guy.

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Loving her will not be easy.

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44. @thinkgrowprosper.

Run by Ruben Chavez, @thinkgrowprosper shares “insights and resources to enrich your mind and improve your life.” Ruben has a podcast of the same name as well. What I like about this feed is that it doesn’t always follow the same rigid format that other inspirational Instagram feeds do. There’s a nice mix of posts that will keep you hooked and lured back again and again.

45. @calm.

Calm is the “#1 app for sleep, relaxation and meditation” and is an account with a simple mission: To help you “take a deep breath.” As its name suggests, their whole feed is focused on creating a vibe and a feeling of calmness and stillness and space. I love how, no matter the time of day or how quickly I may be scrolling, I’m instantly reminded to take a deep breath and do a brief body scan when I see their posts. Following @calm is truly like a breath of fresh air after feeling suffocated for far too long. Give ‘em a shot—you won’t be disappointed.

46. @rainbowsalt.

Bianca Sparacino is the creator of @rainbowsalt, and also the Creative Director at Thought Catalog in NYC. And you can tell her creative chops just based on a quick look at her account. It’s simple and elegant and really makes the long copy included on most graphics pop to the eye. But more than the design and aesthetic choices she’s made, her words are wise and refreshing, like a hug from a loved one after a long day. Highly recommend giving her a follow.

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Fall in love with someone who chooses you just as confidently as you choose them. Commit to the person who lifts you up whenever things get rough, the person who fights to make things work when the reality of life gets difficult and discouraging. Fall in love with someone who sees the wars within you and not only chooses to stay, but chooses to stand by your side and help you fight them. Strive to find someone who cradles your dark, who embraces your light, someone who always wants to be your best when you yourself are not your best; someone who reminds you of every strong thing you are whenever you feel feeble. Fall in love with someone who does not make you feel like you are hard to love. Give your heart to someone who does not call you weak for feeling so deeply, someone who adores the soft creature you are, and who fights to protect it in a hardened world. Fall in love with someone who challenges you, who inspires you to think and feel. Fall in love with someone who ignites a wildness within you; someone who grows your mind just as much as they grow your heart. Fall in love with someone who respects you for changing because they understand that it means you’re growing. Dedicate yourself to the person who stands in awe of how you bloom, how you flourish; someone who loves you not only for who you are, but for who you have the potential to be. Please, do not ever settle for less. Keep waiting. Keep learning about yourself, keep trying and fighting for the heart within your chest. Keep growing and nourishing your wants, keep discovering your needs. When the time is right, you are going to fall in love with someone who will appreciate everything you stand for, who will compliment you in ways you never imagined. When the time is right, the love you have always been worthy of will flower within your life, and you will finally, finally, understand why you had to wait so long. 💛

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47. @stacieswift.

Stacie Swift is such an awesome artist to follow. She literally shines a bright light on self-care and other important topics through the use of colorful and playful illustrations that you just can’t help but love. Truth is, our world needs more of that brilliant energy of Stacie’s. And you, too, can have it if you give her a follow!

48. @gaytherapy.

Run by an LGBTQ psychotherapist named Nick Fager, @gaytherapy provides “daily tips for living an empowered queer life.” As a gay man, it can be difficult to find motivation or empowerment that fits into the context of the LGBTQ community. But Nick’s posts cut straight to the heart of what it means to live as a member of the LGBTQ community in 2019. And he posts powerful yet pragmatic perspective and advice that has helped me in some of my darkest moments. For that reason and so many more, check out @gaytherapy.

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Phrases like “time heals all wounds” are a fallacy. They assure us that we can avoid our trauma and it will just go away eventually. How nice that would be! Unfortunately that’s not how the body works. Trauma gets held in the nervous system until it is addressed and healed. When we go through something that completely overwhelms our system - when our typical fight or flight responses are not enough - our body protects us by going into freeze. And we can stay stuck in that freeze state for months, years, or decades. Though we may function in the world, there is a part of us which still believes that we are in the trauma, that everything is still at risk, that we are not safe, that we are going to die. Our nervous system is still frozen in that moment of terror/humiliation/shock/helplessness, or whatever it was that we were feeling at that traumatic moment. Our bodies will stay in this state indefinitely until the trauma is addressed and processed through to completion. Healing is always possible, no matter your age, how intense the trauma, or how long it’s been since it happened. But it must be done right, as processing trauma is a delicate task. Simply talking about the trauma is not the answer. The center for language is in the left half of the brain and the trauma is stuck in the right half. Seeing a trauma focused professional is usually necessary. Certain techniques like EMDR and Somatic Experiencing place the focus on how the trauma is actually being held in your body, and they help to unfreeze and complete the nervous system response so you can finally return to baseline. Other body focused activities like yoga and acupuncture can help to facilitate reconnection as well. For more on this topic, I highly recommend the book “The Body Keeps The Score” by Bessel Van Der Kolk. #gaytherapy

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49. @thinkingmindspage.

One of the more mysterious accounts on the list with no bio or name attached to it, this feed posts an amalgamation of inspiration from across the Web that will most certainly make you think. And maybe even find a new way of looking at your life.

50. @marcandangel.

This account is different from almost any other one on my list. Why? Because it’s run by a married couple by the names of Marc and Angel Chernoff. The Chernoffs are bestselling authors who have “spent the past decade studying and writing about what it takes to find happiness, love and peace.” And that decade of experience really shows in the quality of their posts. Each Instagram is chock-full of advice and enlightenment that will truly help you go to the next level in your life.

51. @alex_elle.

I love the way Alexandra Elle describes her feed: “Taking care. Sharing stories,” she proclaims in the bio for her Instagram account. Her presence is such a beam of light in the darkness—a little bit of hope when times feel hopeless. Alexandra owns her mind and her body and isn’t afraid to be vulnerable and let you in close up. I love that about her. She is a woman standing in her truth and radiating positive energy in the world. And that’s why she deserves a spot on this list—and in your feed.

52. @dailygrowthquotes.

If, like me, you’re someone who’s focused on personal development and growth, then @dailygrowthquotes is certainly the account for you. It’s a mishmash of various quotes and graphics from the inspirational community at large, but it’s fun and helpful, too.

53. @peace_love_light.

Similar to other curated inspirational feeds, @peace_love_light has a little bit of everything. This feed isn’t for those looking for an aesthetic, but it is for those who just want a little more love and light in their lives.

54. @law.of.attraction1111.

I really love what this account put in their bio: “You can have, do and be anything you desire!” What I love about @law.of.attraction1111 is that they post every day with that day’s date at the top of the graphic and a lot of copy dedicated to how you can attract what you want into your life. If you want to manifest more motivation, give this Instagram feed a follow.

55. @theconsciousmillenniall.

This feed, like several others on the list, features a lot of text-heavy illustrated graphics that are sourced from a variety of other artists, writers and motivators. Unlike other feeds, though, this one is focused on a younger millennial audience that appreciates humor and a little wit. Check it out if you like a twist with your tantalizing quotes.

56. @kabbalahcentre.

Similar to the Chopra Center, this aesthetic of this account is so comforting that I can’t help but enjoy each post when I see it in my feed. Aligning their wisdom with the zodiac and other spiritual systems, @kabbalahcentre is for those high-minded individuals who may be more advanced on their journey to enlightenment and healing.

57. @joshuamarkdixon.

Joshua Mark Dixon is a self-identified owner of three “fast growing businesses” according to his bio. But the reason I enjoy following him is because he’s an everyday fella who’s working hard to achieve success and motivating others along the way. And that’s inspiring in and of itself.

58. @vybesource.

There’s a reason this account spells vybe with a “y”: It stands for “Visualize Yourself Better Everyday.” Their bio goes on to state that their mission is “to help you reach your highest potential in life,” which is an incredible goal to strive for. Similar to @law.of.attraction1111, @vybesource posts an illustrated text graphic each day with that day’s date at the top and the same opening line: “Your true self is saying to you today:” followed by an encouraging and empowering few lines of copy. It’s that consistent experience that keeps me coming back. And hopefully it’ll do the same for you.

59. @stevemaraboli.

Steve Maraboli is a writer, speaker and entertainer whose posts will make you laugh and say “wow!” at the same time. Steve’s presence is a bit more blunt than others on the list, featuring curse words and a straightforward tone that cuts through the bullshit. I appreciate that sort of thing. If you do, too, then check him out and give him a follow.

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60. @mjdempseypsych.

Matthew J. Dempsey is a psychotherapist based in LA. I first discovered Matthew’s social media presence after I watched a video he made that was featured on The Huffington Post several years ago. And I’ve enjoyed following him since. He’s uplifting but real, walking the fine line between being motivating and practical. It’s not an easy thing to do, but he certainly makes it look like it is. This feed occasionally focuses on LGBTQ topics because *spoiler alert* Matthew is gay. And that extra flavor and flair is just another reason to follow along.

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We can do hard things.

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61. @thematthewhussey.

Matthew Hussey is a relationship expert and author extraordinaire whose tips and advice about dating are valuable and pack a punch of truth and authenticity that can be hard to find online. Whether you’re single and trying to get the guy—which coincidentally is also the name of his book—or you’re in a relationship and trying to keep it exciting, Matthew’s presence is like CPR for your emotional and romantic life. He has a lot of followers for a reason! Don’t be afraid to add yourself to the list. He’s the real deal.

62. @simplehabitapp.

Simple Habit “makes reducing stress as easy as five minutes a day,” according to the bio on their account. Similar to Calm, this is an Instagram feed tied to a popular meditation app. Their profile is primarily comprised of quotes from various writers and thought leaders—and is definitely worth adding to your list of inspirational Instagram accounts if for no other reason than to just remember to breathe.

63. @ckelso.

Caroline Kelso Zook is an “artist and authenticity enthusiast” whose feed will be sure to literally brighten your day each time you see her posts. And it’s not just because of the brilliant colors she uses in her art and graphics—it’s because her posts are filled with light and truth and will lift your spirits even on the worst Monday you can imagine. And that’s sayin’ something! Be sure to hit the follow button for @ckelso. She’s the bee’s knees.

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I had big plans on January 1st about how this year was going to go. Last year was stressful and rough and shingles dealt me a big blow but 2019 was “going to be different.”⠀ ⠀ Well, I guess I was right, the beginning of this year *has* been different, but only because it’s been worse in a way than my health struggles last year. I discovered a new bottom to the pit I had already found myself in last fall. And for a while back ⠀ in February, this made me MAD. It felt like I took one step forward and three steps back. I was so ready to make progress, and there I was being dragged back down again.⠀ ⠀ What I realize now is that I had to make space for that anger and sadness because I was grieving a future I had painted for myself. I was mourning the loss of what I felt like the next chapter was going to hold for me. I wanted to go back to work full force, get back in the gym full force, show up for my friends and family full force, be better in my relationship full force...and, in trying to reach for all that at once, I neglected every lesson last year taught me about patience and pacing myself and listening to my body. ⠀ ⠀ But I’ve had time now to let go of that future I painted and instead I’m trying every day to welcome the one that’s right in front of me. 2019 doesn’t have to be the year everything “goes back to normal.” Instead, maybe it’s the year my normal gets blown up so I can learn something new and transformational about myself. ⠀ ⠀ So far I think that shift is about letting go of the need to perform, the need to push through, the need to wrap everything up with a pretty little bow. I want to learn what loving myself looks like in my messiest moments. The moments where I’m not making visible progress for everyone else to see or applaud.⠀ ⠀ Maybe you too are a few months in to this year and none of it is turning out like you’d hoped. And maybe it’s making you angry and sad without even realizing it. I invite you to join me in wiping the slate clean and letting the message unfold day by day instead. And remember we learn a heck of a lot more about ourselves in trying times than we do when everything works out in our favor. 👊💛 I’m right here with you.

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64. @danschawbel.

Dan Schawbel is a bestselling author and podcaster whose motivational messages on Twitter and Instagram are truly second to none. I first came across Dan by seeing him consistently comment on Jay Shetty’s and Lewis Howes’ Instagram posts. Each comment I saw was so thoughtful and deeply descriptive on the topic at hand that I couldn’t help but want to learn more about this guy. After following him for quite some time now, I can say that @danschawbel is a must-follow if you want to improve your outlook, your mindset and your life.

65. @thegoodquote.

@thegoodquote might just be the most-followed account on the entire list. With over 16 million followers, this feed seems to have more than proved its value to provide fulfillment and a little dose of happiness with each post. If you don’t already, it’s time to give this one a follow!

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#thegoodquote 🌻

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66. @thehappynewspaper.

Sometimes it feels like all the news you read in the media and see on TV and online is negative and soul-sucking. And then you come across an Instagram feed like @thehappynewspaper and you’re proven completely wrong. Described as “an actual real newspaper to share positive news and wonderful people,” this Instagram profile shares vibrant illustrations and feel-good stories from around the web and the world. It’s a little ray of sunshine that cuts through the darkness. I appreciate the effort to spread kindness and joy—and I think you will, too.

67. @emilycoxhead.

This is the personal account for Emily Coxhead, the founder and creator of @thehappynewspaper. This feed has a similar look and feel to the one for the newspaper because all of the illustrations come from the brilliant mind of Emily herself. What I love about following along on her individual profile, though, is that it’s diverse and dynamic in a very intimate way. Emily is a thought leader in the mental health and empowerment communities and yet still feels super accessible and relatable. And that’s hard to come by.

68. @iamthatgirl.

I’m all for feminine empowerment—and that’s exactly what @iamthatgirl is here to serve you. Pegged as “for girls, by girls,” this encouraging account will lift you up out of the depths of despair and remind you of the badass woman you are. And that’s a mission I can get behind—even as a man.

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💙🙏💙⠀ ⠀ 📷 : @trendychickadee

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69. @goal.cast.

@goal.cast shares videos, photos and other posts with some of the most inspiring stories I’ve ever stumbled upon online. And that’s saying something. If you want to discover spectacular speakers, amazing orators and stunning storytellers, this account is most certainly for you. Go hit that follow button.

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The power of positive thinking 💪

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70. @arianapoetess.

“She made broken look beautiful,” reads the bio for this profile. And with minimalist motivational messages and a stripped down yet sophisticated look and feel, you can’t help but feel that she’s telling you the truth. And I always have room in my life—and my feed—for a little more truth.

71. @selfcareisforeveryone.

I love the name of this account, because you really get a sense of what it’s all about without even needing a bio. Focused on making mental health and self-care more accessible, this feed serves up rousing reminders to make sure you take care of Numero Uno first and foremost. Which is a wonderful way to make use of Instagram, don’t you think?

72. @maryamajayi.

Maryam Ajayi is a friend of mine whom I met through a mutual friend while celebrating NYC gay pride a few years ago. An energy healer and growth strategist, Maryam recently left corporate America to found her own business focused on bringing healing to the C-suite while she shapes her own company as a CEO focused on healing. Needless to say, Maryam is one of the most outspoken, inspiring go-getters I know; she’s truly one of a kind. Trust me when I say that she deserves the real estate in your mind, your feed and your life.

73. @drawnbymary.

Mary Purdie is an artist and illustrator whose work is so refreshing and invigorating, like running through a sprinkler in the midst of summer as a little kid. Go to her feed for the vibrant colors, but be sure to stay for the comforting and motivating messages that’ll wrap you in a little blanket of warmth and love. You won’t be disappointed by this one.

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As I have always practiced transparency and openness about my experiences and how they shape my work and voice, I want to talk about this. If you’re unaware, a month ago I was accused of plagiarism by an account with a large following. Due to the nature of the claims and subsequent events, I was unable to do much to defend my truth. In the past week, information has come out confirming my truth and proving the accusations false. With the discussions taking place around this, I have had to revisit some of the experiences and emotions from the height of this callout, which is why I feel compelled to talk about it now. That evening, I opened Instagram to see my comments and DMs collectively flooded with vitriol, while being blocked from communicating with the person accusing me. For the next week, my DMs continued to be filled with cruelty, strangers telling me I should “leave earth,” people wrote essays and blogs about me, some privately messaged my own friends and followers demanding that they denounce + unfollow me. There were instructions to destroy my career and make sure I never work again. I’ve been vulnerable on this platform, only to have my posts about cancer and miscarriage be met with “no sympathy for the devil” while I was being publicly dragged without warning. I couldn’t figure out why I wasn’t messaged privately first, as I am always open to criticism and resolution. I couldn’t figure out why mob mentality completely removed my humanity from the equation. I’ve since been able to move past this, but serious and lasting damage has been done. This experience has certainly changed me, how I view humanity, and the ways in which I want to live my life. I’m grateful to see the self-reflection and humility shown by those who participated in mob mentality and I’m hopeful that at the very least, others are spared from something similar happening to them. I know I wasn’t the first woman to get viciously attacked by that account, but I hope to be the last. Lastly but most importantly, to every single person who reached out with a message of support, you all kept me above water and I can’t thank you enough. Take care of each other 💗

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74. @oprahmagazine.

Let’s face it: No list about inspiration would be complete without some sort of nod to Oprah. And, while this isn’t Oprah’s personal account, it’s an extension of the Oprah Winfrey empire and regularly features quotes from her—so Mama O never feels too far from this feed. I love the vibrant graphics and the conversation starters they share. In an age of breadth that can spread us too thin, Oprah mag reminds us to go deeper and remember to connect. And that’s how you put the social back in social media.

75. @real_simple.

“Life made easer” boasts the Real Simple Instagram bio. And it couldn’t be more on the money. From recipes and books to DIY projects and meditations, this feed serves up tips and tricks to make our complicated world that much simpler to understand—and to thrive in. Isn’t that all we really need?

76. @club_mental.

Started by Amy Keller-Laird, a friend and former colleague of mine, Mental. is a digital magazine and safe space covering all things related to mental health. At a time when technology seems to be driving a wedge between us, Mental. uses Instagram to bring people together, and shine a light on the importance of looking after your mind just as much as you look after your diet and how often you exercise. Like a gym for the mind, Mental. will challenge you to see your life in a new light. And it’ll remind you that you’re accepted as you are not despite your anxiety or depression or stress, but because of it.

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Eagerly awaiting 2019 like 💃🍭🥳💖

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Which accounts are your favorites on the list? Any that I missed? Tell me in the comments below—or Tweet me @crackliffe.